Temple Beth Am Podcasts

Online learning from A Dynamic Center for Conservative Judaism

About the show

Temple Beth Am in Los Angeles celebrates traditional and innovative Judaism and inspires lifelong learning in a warm, embracing community. With creative approaches to traditional prayer, a welcoming ethos that nourishes the soul, and a commitment to rigorous study of our tradition, Temple Beth Am has been a flagship institution of Conservative Judaism since its founding in 1934.

These podcasts share our sermons, classes and other activities.

Our goal is to reach out and enhance the learning and spiritual life of our congregants and listeners around the world.

Temple Beth Am Podcasts on social media


  • Elul Study: Music As Midrash, Behind The Music Of Prayer - Class 3

    September 3rd, 2020  |  52 mins 52 secs

    Rabbi Josh Warshawsky leads an online discussion of music and the spiritual content of the High Holy Days. Embedded within each piece of music are stories, deep secrets, and intricate connections between Hebrew words and themes. Rabbi Warshawsky helps us deepen our understanding of the wisdom of the Jewish tradition, and enables us to sing with a newfound understanding of the words we bring into the world.

    This class took place on September 3, 2020 as part of the Elul+ Pre-Tishre study program presented by Temple Beth Am Los Angeles.

  • Elul Study: Balancing Faith And Reason, An Israeli Perceptive To This Challenge

    September 3rd, 2020  |  50 mins 32 secs

    Rabbi Benjy Maor (Munitz) raises a serious of important questions in this discussion on Zoom. How do we make sense of the world today as we move forward from Elul into Tishre and the New Year? Can we find all the answers rationally, or is it all simply a matter of faith? Can we learn anything from Israel, where we/they are so used to having crises all the time (almost all the time…)?

    Rabbi Maor, a former Los Angelean, is now Director of Development & Israel Diaspora Relations at the Leo Baeck Education Center in Haifa, the oldest Reform Jewish institution in Israel, founded in 1938.

    This discussion took place on September 3, 2020 as part of the Elul+ Pre-Tishre study program presented by Temple Beth Am Los Angeles.

  • Elul Study: Opening to Forgiveness

    September 3rd, 2020  |  54 mins 31 secs

    Rabbi Dr. James Jacobson Maisels explores wisdom sources from our tradition and concrete practices. In this class he helps us understand how we can open our hearts more fully to forgiveness whether we are forgiving others, ourselves, or asking for forgiveness from others.

    Rabbi Dr. James Jacobson Maisels is the Founder and CEO of Or Halev a Center for Jewish Spirituality and Meditation. Ordained by Rav Daniel Landes, with a doctorate in Jewish Studies from the University of Chicago, Rav James lectures internationally on Jewish Spiritual practices. He also teaches at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies, Haifa University & Yeshivat Hadar.

    The class was conducted via Zoom on September 3, 2020 as part of the Elul+ Pre-Tishre study program presented by Temple Beth Am Los Angeles

  • Elul Study: Towards A Fully Healthy LIfe

    September 2nd, 2020  |  29 mins 28 secs

    Rabbi Matt Shapiro and Rabbi Rebecca Schatz of Temple Beth Am lead a discussion on how to cope with the coivid crisis and maintain mental health.

    The discussion was conducted via Zoom on September 2, 2020 as part of the Elul+ Pre-Tishre study program presented by Temple Beth Am Los Angeles

  • Navigating the Mahzor - Class 5

    September 2nd, 2020  |  1 hr 13 mins

    Enter the High Holy Days this year with a newfound mastery of the special prayer book at the heart of the season. Pencils in hand, Rabbi Cantor Hillary Chorny takes students on a guided tour of the structure, core texts & music that make up the thickest, richest prayer book on your shelf.

    This class was conducted via Zoom on September 2, 2020 as part of the Elul+ Pre-Tishre study program presented by Temple Beth Am Los Angeles.

  • Elul Study: Ruach in the Chadar Ochel: Language and Community at American Jewish Summer Camps

    September 1st, 2020  |  54 mins 35 secs

    Dr. Sarah Bunin Benor explains how "Hebrew infusion" helps to build community. At most American Jewish summer camps, the primarily English environment is infused with Hebrew signs, songs, and mixed Hebrew-English sentences, like “Madrichim [counselors], please bring your chanichim [campers] to the teatron [theater] immediately after Birkat Hamazon [Grace After Meals].” In this discussion, Dr. Genor draws from her most recent book. "Hebrew Infusion: Language and Community at American Jewish Summer Camps".

    Sarah Bunin Benor is Professor of Contemporary Jewish Studies at Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion, where she teaches mostly masters students in the Zelikow School of Jewish Nonprofit Management and undergraduates at the University of Southern California.

    This class took place via Zoom on September 1, 2020 as part of the Elul+ Pre-Tishre study program presented by Temple Beth Am Los Angeles.

  • Siddur Class #20 Shacharit: Shema Part 3

    September 1st, 2020  |  27 mins 58 secs

    Rabbi Avi Havivi's siddur class at Temple Beth Am Los Angeles - September 1, 2020 via Zoom.

  • Elul Study: Rahamim -- Compassion, God's Essential Quality...and Ours

    August 31st, 2020  |  50 mins 7 secs

    Rabbi Emeritus Joel Rembaim leads a class reflecting on sacred texts of our Jewish heritage, a class designed to help you learn how deeply embedded in Jewish heritage is the principle of Divine Compassion. The session will hopefully cause each student to ask: How deeply is Rahamim embedded in my Neshamah?

    This class took place via Zoom on August 31, 2020 as part of the Elul+ Pre-Tishre study program presented by Temple Beth Am Los Angeles.

  • Elul Study: Cultivating a life of Chesed

    August 30th, 2020  |  57 mins 6 secs

    Rabbi Aaron Schonbrun explores how we might find our way back to a posture of gemilut hasadim, caring and compassion, as individuals and as a society during this High Holy Days season.

    As we approach this New Year during such uncertain, unusual, and challenging times, it is easy to get caught up in the negativity. From a global pandemic to a divisive political climate, many of us spend at least some portion of most days feeling angry, bitter, or frightened. Yet ours is a tradition that invites us to cultivate life of chesed, of kindness, caring, and compassionate – – both within ourselves and towards one another. As we approach the Days of Awe, this season of reflection and renewal, we are fortunate that the stories, texts, and lessons, of this season have much to teach us about how to cultivate such a life.

    Rabbi Aaron Schonbrun is the first spiritual leader of Congregation Torat El, a Conservative synagogue in Oakhurst, New Jersey.

    This class took place via Zoom on August 30, 2020 as part of the Elul+ Pre-Tishre study program presented by Temple Beth Am Los Angeles.

  • Shabbat Teaching: Ki Tavo

    August 29th, 2020  |  11 mins 25 secs

    Rabbinic Intern Rachel Cohn's Shabbat Teaching at Temple Beth Am, Los Angeles, on August 29, 2020.

  • Shabbat Sermon - Morning: Ki Teitzei

    August 29th, 2020  |  26 mins 55 secs

    Rabbi Rebecca Schatz and Rabbi Matt Shapiro's Shabbat Sermon/Discussion at Temple Beth Am, Los Angeles, on August 29, 2020.

  • Shabbat Sermon - Morning: Ki Teitzei

    August 29th, 2020  |  6 mins 48 secs

    Rabbi Adam Kligfeld's Shabbat Sermon at Temple Beth Am, Los Angeles, on August 29, 2020.

  • Elul Study: Unleashing Invisible Voices with Urban Voices Project

    August 28th, 2020  |  1 hr 3 mins

    Leeav Sofer, Artistic Director & Co-Founder of Urban Voices Project, leads a Zoom workshop designed to empower individuals to bring music and art into their lives - both for self-care and for the care of others. The session is equally intended for those with or without a background in music and art. Leeav Sofer explores how the theme of finding one's own voice doubles as a means to unleash the voice of the oppressed.

    Urban Voices Project creates supportive community spaces with music to bridge vulnerable individuals to a sense of purpose and improved health. UVP engages men, women and families across the greater Los Angeles area with music workshops in partnership with social, civic and healthcare organizations.

    This workship, hosted by Rabbi Rebecca Schatz, took place on August 28, 2020 as part of the Elul+ Pre-Tishre study program presented by Temple Beth Am Los Angeles.

  • Meditation and Mindfulness with Rabbi Adam Kligfeld

    August 28th, 2020  |  16 mins 6 secs

    Rabbi Adam Kligfeld offers up short bursts of meditation infused with the imagery, wisdom, and the rhythms of our Jewish calendar including selected verses from the Torah. Many of these meditations are performed in sitting positions; some standing. Simply find yourself a comfortable space and let Rabbi Kligfeld's voice and direction guide you into a world of serenity and tranquility.

  • Yoma Study: August 28, 2020

    August 28th, 2020  |  22 mins 51 secs

    Rabbi Adam Kligfeld explores rabbinic material surrounding Yom Kippur in tractate Yoma from Temple Beth Am, Los Angeles, on August 28, 2020.

  • Elul Study: Music As Midrash, Behind The Music Of Prayer - Class 2

    August 27th, 2020  |  49 mins 9 secs

    Rabbi Josh Warshawsky leads an online discussion of music and the spiritual content of the High Holy Days. Embedded within each piece of music are stories, deep secrets, and intricate connections between Hebrew words and themes. Rabbi Warshawsky helps us deepen our understanding of the wisdom of the Jewish tradition, and enables us to sing with a newfound understanding of the words we bring into the world.

    This class took place on August 27, 2020 as part of the Elul+ Pre-Tishre study program presented by Temple Beth Am Los Angeles.