Shabbat Teaching: "Deuteronomy and Valediction: Goodbyes from the Other Side of the Jordan to Yankee Stadium"

Episode 1371 · August 3rd, 2024 · 27 mins 36 secs

About this Episode

Shabbat Teaching with Jake Petzold, at Temple Beth Am, Los Angeles, August 3, 2024.

As our Torah calendar turns to Dvarim, we turn to reading the greatest valediction the world knows: Moses's extended set of farewell addresses as the people Israel encamped poised to enter the land of Israel. In these speeches, which almost alone comprise Deuteronomy, Moses retells Israel's story and delivers a final charge for the transformations they would experience without him. What can we learn from Moses about saying goodbye? We'll look at various farewells in history, including George Washington and Lou Gehrig.

Jake Petzold is a Rabbinic Intern at Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills.

Introduced by Rabbi Rebecca Schatz.
