Passover Prep Series 2023: Haggadah 101

Episode 1013 · March 9th, 2023 · 51 mins 52 secs

About this Episode

In this class, Rabbi Joshua Cahan delves into the question: what story is the Haggadah telling? The Haggadah is a liturgy text whose focus is actually praise of God for the Redemption from Egypt rather than the complex human drama. In this class, Rabbi Cahan takes a quick tour through Maggid to see how that lens helps us to track its structure. He ends with a few thoughts about how we might find meaning in the act of 'declaring God's wonders'.

Rabbi Cahan compiled and edited the Yedid Nefesh bencher and is introducing the new Yedid Nefesh Haggadah this Spring. He spent 13 years teaching high school Talmud and Tefilah in New York and 8 summers running the Beit Midrash program at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin. He holds Rabbinic Ordination and a Ph.D. in Talmud from the Jewish Theological Seminary.

This session took place in person at Temple Beth Am and via Zoom on March 8, 2023. Rabbi Cahan is introduced by Rabbi Cantor Hillary Chorny.

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